On Wednesday we were invited along to Thai-chi classes by the same woman , Ezoe-San, who took us to the Sakura festival. Ive never been to Thai-chi before and i wasn't really sure what i was expecting. There was only about 8 of us in the class and everyone was about 50ish so we were the youngest there. Thai-chi is very slow and is all about holding stance and posture to strengthen the muscle, i was awful at it. We had to 'sit on an imaginery chair' for 3 minutes which may sound easy but i can ensure you it is not, my legs were shaking but all the women who are about 3 times my age managed it with no bother at all! After about half an hour it became easier and i was quite enjoying it so im looking forward to going again. On wednesday night we decided to try cook and we made our own batter, chopped up some chicken to dip it in and deep fried it in garlic and chilli. We ate it with rice and it was amazing!! I can finally cook!!!
On tuesday i was again at the nursery which was really fun again, we watched Finding Nemo with the kids which was quite funny watching Nemo's dad swimming about saying 'Sumimasen, sumimasen' which just means excuse me. There are a couple of really cute little kids but they do not want to share your attention with anyone else! So when one of them was sitting on my knee along comes another at top speed and launches himself on both of us and started fighting for the space on my legs. Another little boy just wants to cuddle and came along to sit on my knee and cuddle in to watch Finding Nemo, very cute. I wish we were at the nursery more because its so much fun but i suppose once a week is better than nothing!
On Friday night, Lucy and i decided we would get dressed up and go find a nice restuarant and treat ourselves! After looking at all the Japanese style restuarants we settled on an Italina, typical me! It was amazing to have some proper food, we had pizzas and pasta and it was still only £10 each, cheap! Afterwards we went off to a cafe which served cocktails as we decided we would give it a go and see if we could get served which we managed with no trouble, i had a frozen mango cocktail which was yummy and Lucy had a tequila sunrise!
The Japanese are really big on photo booths which edit you to look 'more beautiful' so off we went to give it a go! Its rather fun but sometimes it makes you look quite strange.
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