Sunday, April 14, 2013

Lung Operation and Ward 7W

This week i started in ward 7W and the women i am following around, Yoshiko-san is absolutely crazy. She runs everywhere and is constantly dissapearing. I can't keep up with her, she is normally already down two flights of stairs before i even realise that is where we are going but she is funny. The work is this ward is pretty much the same as the rest, making beds , little bit of cleaning and stapelling booklets together for them which i don't mind.
 Huge sully in the shopping mall to promote the new Monsters Inc Movie coming out! There is lots of strange things in the shops in Japan, especially super markets but i found this in a beauty shop this week! Placenta soap anyone?

 Possibly the worst lunch the hospital has presented us with, ew!!! Mister donuts all round...
 This week i was able to watch a lung operation which was quite gross. The patients lung had collapsed and shrunk whilst attatching itself to the roof of his ribs( i think ). To separate the lung from the ribs, the surgeon burned the skin to detach it and i thought that was really horrible. After a while the surgery got a bit boring, mainly because i was really hungry but also because it was alot of the same thing going on and we were there for a while. It was interesting to watch and i am glad we had the opportunity to. Luckily i didn't throw up or faint so i think i did well! 
After Tai-Chi this week, Fujiko-san took us for some cake and tea which was lovely, at some point they are going to take us for Yaki-tori which i am excited about! Another lady at Tai-Chi has invited us to her house where she will teach us flower arranging which i am looking forward to. Im slightly getting better at Tai-Chi but it is still quite hard, there is wayy to many steps and hand movements to remember!
Lucy and I took a train trip to Sasebo this weekend, which was about an hour and a half away from Nagasaki. The train was the seaside liner so we seen some really beautiful views of the coast. In Sasebo there is a 1km long shopping mall which was quite good but we didn't buy much. Afterwards we sat next to the harbour and spotted some jellyfish in the sea. It was nice to do something instead of wasting the day.

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