Friday, May 31, 2013

3 Operations

So this month i have been lucky enough to watch three operations all of which were pretty gruesome! The first one we watched was at the start of the month and included a man having a tracheostomy and his entire voice box removed. It was not very pleasant to watch, the surgeon cut a hole where his adams apple was and started prodding around which made me feel slightly queasy. The surgeon told us it was a complicated procedure and they had to ensure they did not damage anything surrounding his voice box. The operation took almost four hours in total with the majority of it being the removal of the voice box which took a long time. Once it was removed they showed us it and pointed out his vocal cords which was interesting but also very sad as the man would no longer be able to speak or breathe without a machine assisting him. 

The second operation we have watched this month was the removal of a cancerous tumour from the lung. The hole they made inbetween the patients ribs was rather huge and everytime the surgeon stuck his fingers or hand inside it made me feel rather sick. There was a further two holes cut in the mans chest area for cameras to be inserted. I really have no idea how the surgeons knew which part to take away because in all honesty all of the lung looked the same but after the had removed the tumour, which was rather big, he cut into it and showed us the tumour. So the tumour was  more visible from the inside rather than the outside of it which looked like the rest of the lung. After the removal of the tumour the surgeon poured pints of water into the large hole in the mans chest which i assume was to clean the lung and to get rid of excess blood as afterwards they used a suction tool to remove it all. We did not see the end of this operation as we were whisked off to watch another. 

I have honestly no idea what was going on in the third operation, it had something to do with the large intestine and the gall bladder. Not to sound too gross but the large intestine really does look like linked up sausages, good job i dont like them!! This woman had several holes in her stomach with many instruments inserted doing different things as the surgeon cut away at what i think may have been fat around her intestines but i am not sure. This operation wasn't as interesting as i had no idea what was going on.
We are really lucky to be able to watch in on all these different types of operations, i wonder what next month has in store for us!!
looking hot in our surgery clothes!!

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