One thing id like to put straight as i had quite a lot of people asking me this question 'do Japanese people were masks because its so polluted?'- no. The reason Japanese people wear masks is because they think of others and when they have a cold of an illness to prevent spreading it to other people. Also, no they dont eat dog in Japan.. well at least i have never came across it in any of the places i have visited.
Anyway, today is my last day in Nagasaki and i am going to miss it. Its so beautiful and even though it is a big city its also peaceful. Im going to miss the fact that in Japan there is a convenience store on every street, whether it be a lawson, family mart or 7/11 there is going to be one within five minutes of wherever you are. I have lived out of the one at the bottom of my apartment for the past six months, making late night trips in my jammies for some ice cream..
A strange thing im going to miss is the sunsets in Nagasaki, the whole sky is always a lovely purple/pink colour. Makes everything look ten times prettier aswell!
Also flying internally in Japan is sooo easy! I have now flew internally twelve times whilst being here, you only need to go through security 15 minutes before departure and go to your gate 10 minutes before. There is no hassle with liquids as they have this scanner that they sit your juice bottle into to check it. Sooo easy, why is it not that simple in Europe?
Everything seems to always run on time, buses, trains, people and everything is really orderly. People stand in nice lines when waiting for the buses or trains, no one all rushes at once to get on like in the UK.
Talking on phones on public transport is also a big nono which is actually quite nice because theres nothing worse than sitting on a train and hearing the life story of the person behind you. Also eating in public like on the streets whilst walking, on public transport is pretty much forbidden. If you do people give you this look as if you were chopping off someones head in the middle of the street. Despite the fact there are no rubbish bins on the streets, there is literally no litter lying around either. I also love that in major cities on main streets you are not allowed to smoke and in shopping malls there are smoking enclosures. Its literally like a smoking pen where all the smokers are boxed in.. it kinda makes me giggle.
I will miss the vending machines on all the streets. Not only do they give out cold drinks but hot ones too, some are dedicated to coffee alone, such a shame i dont drink it! There are even cigarette vending machines, ones with alcohol and in bigger cities there are many which sell meals. They are so useful!!
The feeling of safety is a big one also, whilst i wouldn't even think about walking around Dumfries in the middle of the night, i wouldn't need to think twice about doing it here. People are so trusting which i suppose isn't always a good thing. People leave their bags, purses, phones sitting on tables in the middle of a busy food court to reserve their seat and nobody would touch it. I have seen people leave their keys in their motorbikes and their bags sitting on the seat and head into a convenience store. Somehow i can't really imagine anyone doing that back in the UK and not worrying about whether it would be there when they get back. I shall miss how polite everyone is and people are so apologetic for the slightest things!
Purikura is a fun thing that Dumfries neeeds. They are in every shopping mall, along with an arcade. They are just really fancy photobooths which edit you to make you more 'kawaii' and then you add a whole load of stickers and writing or whatever you wish. Its just a generally fun thing to do with friends!
Shops dedicated entirely to socks or to hair accessories or just Japanese shops in general. Everything is so cute and i could spend hours, infact i have spent hours wandering around the same shops.
So this has been a little longer than planned and there are still so many things i will miss but there are also a couple of things i wont like..
the fact that fish is the main thing eaten, and that no one seems to understand that i do not like or eat ANY fish. I also wont miss having to wait a century for the green man to show indicating that i can finally cross a road which cars are still going to drive across. Although i love the sun and the heat, i do not enjoy unbearable heat where you cannot spend any time outside. Separating rubbish to a ridiculous level will not be missed!! Finally i will absolutely 100% not miss the bugs. All of the giant flying insects, dragonflys( which fly right into your face ), the flying cockroaches, cicadas which woke me up every morning and look disgusting ( google them ) and various other creepy crawlies.
I will of course miss all of the lovely people i have met, who have made it a wonderful experience and who have helped me in some way or another. If it wasn't for lattitude global volunteering and Nagasaki genbaku byoin for organising it all and for my father funding my travels i wouldn't have been able to have the amazing time that i have.
( thank you very much)
Hopefully one day i will be able to visit Nagasaki again but until then sayonara.